7-11-2016 | News
Winner | Best Multi-family housing under 18 du/acre
Jury comments:
“Paying homage to the steel and glass heritage of Chicago architecture, this quintessential infill project artfully adapts the abandoned shell of a previous incomplete project to create a beautiful grouping of six urban single family homes. By choosing to embrace the urban vernacular, this project enhances the neighborhood it is a part of by shining like a jewel. This project celebrates its heritage and uses that heritage to raise the bar for urban infill projects.”
The County of San Diego's new Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk's Office & Archive building in Santee has a…
11-16-2020 | News
Architecture is the nexus between culture, society and history, reflecting man’s constant quest for advancement. The…
4-17-2024 | News
Principals Ben Dalton and Margaret Sprug will be on a panel discussing “Walking the Walk: Committing to…
10-27-2020 | Events
By Fred Bernstein There’s nothing green about your back-up generator. Manufacturing it released tons of CO2…
11-21-2020 | News
The Miller Hull Partnership has completed a handful of contemporary firehouses in and around the firm’s home…
10-5-2021 | News
Partner Ruth Baleiko will be discussing," Navigating School Design through the Context of History with Meaning…
3-26-2024 | Events