8-2-2016 | News
To find the most beautiful libraries in each state, Tech Insider looked at past and current award-winners as judged by the American Institute of Architects and the American Library Association awards.
By Matt Kikosicki The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design is Miller Hull’s first project in…
2-6-2019 |
The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design – The Kendeda Building was created to foster environmental education,…
12-30-2022 | News
Class is in session. The Miller Hull Partnership talks challenges, lessons learned, and offers a little…
6-7-2024 | News
Informal Settlements: Building w/the People, by the People, for the People The best way to predict…
7-23-2024 | Events
Principal Ben Dalton, Living Building Services Director Chris Hellstern and architect Tina Angeles will be on…
8-4-2020 | Events
Over the last few years, there has been a considerable investment in understanding the factors that…
1-19-2024 | Perspectives