5-14-2020 | News
Seattle Parks and Recreation plans to build a replacement for the popular but aging Green Lake Community Center and Evans Pool at 7201 E. Green Lake Drive N. in Seattle.
Construction is slated to start in 2024, and the center to open by 2026.
The Miller Hull Partnership is the architect and interior designer. The current $1 million budget will support site analysis and early design work, according the Seattle Parks. The department is holding a community open house through May 22. See https://tinyurl.com/y865v5pg for details.
The public can offer input on six potential sites for the replacement that Seattle Parks owns in Green Lake and Lower Woodland parks. They include the current site, Pitch & Putt golf course, Lower Woodland Tennis Courts, Woodland Park Lawn Bowling site, North 50th Street and Aurora Avenue North, and near Bathhouse Theater.
“Before we begin design it’s really important to know we’ve picked the right location that people support,” said Ruth Baleiko, a Miller Hull partner and design lead for the project.
Once the selection is narrowed, the team will prepare an early design or designs, she said, and later a projected cost for the new facility that Seattle Parks said will include spaces for activities such as aquatics, fitness and arts and multipurpose rooms for classes and events.
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