Miller Hull

2024 USGBC-CA – Informal Settlements: Tobias Jimenez

Date: 8-8-2024
Time: 12pm
Location: Online

7-23-2024 | Events

Informal Settlements: Building w/the People, by the People, for the People

The best way to predict our future is to understand our present reality. Architecture is subject to tension between the formal sphere of theory and the informal daily experience of life. Current architectural methods to analyze and design structures are still based on traditional assumptions that are often incapable of decoding urban complexities. By embracing an approach that involves building with the people, by the people, and for the people, we can unlock new avenues toward constructing more sustainable buildings.

Informal Settlements reveal the wisdom gained from grassroots initiatives and community-driven spaces where innovative solutions arise organically. Learning from these spaces can inspire transformative design methodologies, fostering a better future that balances the natural environment with the needs of its inhabitants. Tobias Jimenez, an architectural designer at the Miller Hull Partnership, will explore these themes, drawing on his deep personal connection and professional expertise in designing structures for informal communities in Latin America.


Presentation Topics

  • Description of informality and why informal settlements exist
  • Informality as an architecture typology?
  • Learning from informality
  • Reimagining informality
  • Embracing informality (existing precedents)


Learning Objectives

  • 01-RECYCLE ( How can we reinterpret materials to yield cost-effective and sustainable solutions)
  • 02-LOW TECH SYSTEMS ( How infrastructure longevity does not require overly complex technology)
  • 03-INNOVATION & ADAPTABILITY ( Reflect on our current practices and explore alternative methods of water collection and usage)
  • 04-EMPOWERING ( How to empower into self-led housing solutions with municipalities lead help)

More Info

Tobias Jimenez

“Architecture is for the people, by the people, with the power to address cultural, social, spiritual, and environmental issues. It is such a reflection of our values as a society, and the memory of our human existence.”

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