12-5-2020 | News
Highlighting the enduring friendship between the United States and Mexico and the importance of our bilateral partnership, U.S. Consul General Courtney Beale broke ground today for the new Consulate General campus in Mérida. Attendees at the ceremony marking this milestone included Yucatán Governor Mauricio Vila, Mérida Mayor Renan Barrera, and representatives from the states of Quintana Roo and Campeche.
The new U.S. Consulate General will provide a secure and resilient platform for U.S. diplomacy in Mérida. Miller Hull of Seattle, Washington is the design architect and B.L. Harbert International of Birmingham, Alabama is the general contractor. The Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) awarded the construction contract in September 2019 and anticipates completion in 2023.
As a result of this project, an estimated $85 million will be invested in the local economy and an estimated workforce of more than 1,000 American, Mexican, and third-country nationals will be employed during construction. The U.S. Department of State is investing over $1.5 billion in new building construction to support U.S. diplomatic operations in Mexico, including this project in Mérida.
Since the start of the Department’s Capital Security Construction Program in 1999, OBO has completed 164 new diplomatic facilities. OBO currently has more than 50 active projects either in the design phase or under construction worldwide.
OBO provides safe, secure, functional, and resilient facilities that represent the U.S. government to the host nation and that support U.S. diplomats in advancing U.S. foreign policy objectives abroad.
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