3-17-2017 | Events
Partner Ruth Baleiko will present ‘Co-location, Co-delivery and Co-explanation: The New UCSD Teaching + Learning Commons’ at the Society for College and Planning Pacific Northwest Regional Conference in Seattle, March 21, 2017. The presentation outlines how this new space co-locates faculty with diverse expertise within this iconic library to enhance teaching and learning assistance experiences. Discussion includes challenges of space utilization in an existing building and how design contributes to pioneering a culture of collaboration and interdisciplinary interaction.
Throughout the conference, Miller Hull team members will also lead tours of the recently renovated 1970’s era Odegaard Undergraduate Library at the University of Washington in Seattle, as well as the soon-to-be-completed University of Washington Tacoma Urban Solutions Center that revitalizes a warehouse in the city’s historic center.
Architecture, as a profession, is often perceived as an intellectual and academic discipline, and therefore, an exclusive one. This notion is one that Ruth is eager to disprove. “I think the practice could do more to demonstrate the approachability in what we do.” Determined to demystify the impact architects bring to spaces, Ruth believes that accessibility…
By Erica Browne Grivas Special to The Seattle Times Seattle’s first carbon-negative hotel is coming to Pioneer…
5-25-2023 | News
By Timothy A. Schuler To design what is anticipated to become the first certified Living Building in…
2-4-2020 | News
In collaboration with Sustainable Northwest Wood and McLennan Design, we're hosting a Sustainable Forestry event bringing together…
4-26-2017 | Events
On a clear day in Seattle—and, yes, there is such a thing—the view from a new…
3-5-2018 | News
Principal Margaret Sprug will be on a panel discussing "Replicable Financial Models for Living Buildings" as…
9-28-2020 | Events
The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design at the Georgia Institute of Technology physically supports instruction…
4-22-2021 | News